1982 Beechcraft King Air 200
TTSN: 12029 hrs
LH Engine SMOH: 2963 hrs
RH Engine SMOH: 2963 hrs
LH Prop TTSN: 5905 hrs
RH Prop TTSN: 5905 hrs
Beige Leather Interior
9 Seat Interior
4 Seat middle club seats
Belted Toilet
Interior & Exterior 9/10
Auto Pilot / Flight Director S-TEC intelliflight 2100
GPS/FMS/VLOC interface Garmin 430/530 Series
Avidyne TWX 670 tactical lightning detection
Terrain Awareness
EXPWS/TAWS interface
EX5000 Radar Interface
ADF Interface
Radar Interface
1982 Beechcraft King Air
The Beechcraft Super King Air family is part of a line of twin-turboprop aircraft produced by Beechcraft. The Model 200 and Model 300 series were originally marketed as the “Super King Air” family; the “Super” designation was dropped in 1996. They form the King Air line together with the King Air Model 90 and 100 series.
Beechcraft currently offers the 250 (design. B200GT and the larger 350i (B300) models. The 350ER (B300CER) is available to government, military and commercial customers for special mission operations such as aerial survey, air ambulance, flight inspection and surveillance. The Beechcraft 1900 regional airliner was derived from the Model B200 King Air.
The Super King Air family has been in continuous production since 1974, the longest production run of any civilian turboprop aircraft in its class. It outlasted all of its previous competitors; the only other pressurized multi engine turboprop utility aircraft now in production is the Piaggio P.180 Avanti.
King air 200 price range from $800 000 to $900 000
Super King Air 200
1980-built Beechcraft 200 Super King Air
This 200T Super King Air built in 1979 shows all the major modifications for this variant; belly radar pod and camera hatch, wingtip fuel tanks, and domed window on the side of the rear fuselage
Beechcraft B200T Super King Air with belly camera hatch aft of the wing
The Model 200 was originally conceived as the Model 101 in 1969, and was a development of the Model 100 King Air. The Model 200 had essentially the same fuselage as the Model 100, with changes to the rear fuselage to accommodate a new T-tail (in place of the 100’s conventional tail with all-moving trimmable horizontal stabilizer) and structural changes to allow higher maximum pressurization
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